
How Save A List In A App Settings C#

How to store a list of objects in application settings

I have recently became familiar with C# application settings, and it seems cool.
I was searching for a way to store a list of custom objects, but I couldn't find a way!
Actually I saw a post to store int[], but it wasn't helpful for this problem.
I tried to change the config of that solution in order to make it suitable for my problem. the XML config file of that was:

              <Setting Name="SomeTestSetting"                Type="System.Int32[]"                Scope="User">   <Value Profile="(Default)"                /> </Setting>                          

I tried to address my object as quoted below in the type attribute but it wasn't helpful since it doesn't recognizing my object... I tried "type = List" and "type="tuple[]"
both of these options didn't help me!

I have a class looks like:

                              class                tuple                {                                  public                  tuple()                {                this.font =                new                Font ("Microsoft Sans Serif",8);                this.backgroundcolor_color = Color.White;                this.foregroundcolor_color = Color.Black;         }                public                string                log {                get;                set; }                public                Font font {                get                ;                set; }                public                String fontName {                get;                set; }                public                string                foregroundcolor {                get;                set; }                public                Color foregroundcolor_color {                get;                set; }                public                string                backgroundcolor {                get;                set; }                public                Color backgroundcolor_color {                get;                set; }                public                Boolean notification {                get;                set; }     }                          

and I want to store a list in application setting.
So is there any way to achieve this purpose.
Thanks in advance.

Answer #1:

You can use BinaryFormatter to serialize list of tuples as byte array and Base64 (as quite efficient way) to store byte array as string.

First of all change your class to something like that (hint: [SerializableAttribute]):

            [Serializable()]              public              class              tuple              {                              public                tuple()              {              this.font =              new              Font("Microsoft Sans Serif",              8);              //....              }                      

Add property in settings named tuples and type of string.

tuples in Settings

Then you can use two methods to load and save generic list of tuples (List<tuple>):

                                          void                SaveTuples(List<tuple> tuples)              {              using              (MemoryStream ms =              new              MemoryStream())     {         BinaryFormatter bf =              new              BinaryFormatter();         bf.Serialize(ms, tuples);         ms.Position =              0;              byte[] buffer =              new              byte[(int)ms.Length];         ms.Read(buffer,              0, buffer.Length);         Properties.Settings.Default.tuples = Convert.ToBase64String(buffer);         Properties.Settings.Default.Save();     } }              List<tuple>                LoadTuples()              {              using              (MemoryStream ms =              new              MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(Properties.Settings.Default.tuples)))     {         BinaryFormatter bf =              new              BinaryFormatter();              return              (List<tuple>)bf.Deserialize(ms);     } }                      


            List<tuple> list =              new              List<tuple>(); list.Add(new              tuple()); list.Add(new              tuple()); list.Add(new              tuple()); list.Add(new              tuple()); list.Add(new              tuple());              // save list              SaveTuples(list);              // load list              list = LoadTuples();                      

I leave null, empty string and exception checking up to you.

Answer #2:

Application configuration is not the good choice for storing the data at application runtime. For this use any available in .NET serialization option like

  • Xml Serialization
  • Binary serialization with proto-buf
  • Json serialization
  • ORM mapping to some embedde database Sqlite

and many others...

Answer #3:

I'm not sure what you're wanting to do is best done in application settings. What you might want to look into is XDocument, and storing the values you need in a seperate configuration file.

Answer #4:

You can write custom types to extend .config files. But this will not be storing your own arbitrary types in an existing section of confirmation but adding custom sections.

A custom configuration type could, by providing completely custom logic for child nodes, hold XML serialised data. I would argue that this is abusing the configuration system: it is for storing settings not complete state.

If this is what you want, there is a simple example in the documentation for ConfigurationSection.

Answer #5:

As Mr.Tigran mentioned You can simply use Newtonsoft.Json Nuget Package to convert your Object(which can be a List or contain a List) using serialization and save it as a string (I made a string variable in Settings with "User Scope" and named it "myString"):

                          string              json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myObject); Properties.Settings.Default.myString = json; Properties.Settings.Default.Save();                      

To load it we use deserialization :

                          string              json = Properties.Settings.Default.myString; myObject myobject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<myObject>(json);                      

Answered By: Aria

How Save A List In A App Settings C#


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